BLACK&SEXY HISTORY [ Part 1, 2, & 3 ]
Originally cut out of the Awards Show... FOUNDERS and FANPLOYEES of Black&Sexy share stories of how the company and brand was first started from the feature film A GOOD DAY TO BE BLACK & SEXY to SEXLESS.
The 1st BLACK&SEXY Awards
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Presented by Aids Health Foundation. Celebrating over 3 years of exceptional talent.
With hosts Helen Banks ( @MissHelenBanks) + Mike Moss (@MikeMossFuture)TWEET US ► @blackandsexytv ►#blackandsexyawards #blexy2015 #healthyblackands...
The BLACK&SEXY Awards [ Black Carpet Interviews]
Hosted by Erica Lasan
► WATCH the AWARD SHOW now. Check NEW RELEASESTWEET US ► @blackandsexytv ► #blackandsexyawards #blexy2015 #healthyblackandsexy
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Entertainment -
► The BLACK&SEXY Awards premieres tonight - SUNDAY 6/21 at 8PM PST!
You ready for the 1st Ever BLACK&SEXY Awards? In preparation for tonight's video taping premiere, Erica takes to the streets to interview the fans about their personal picks for the awards!
#blackandsexyawards #blexy201...
Award Show Promo!
The show will drop this evening VERY SOON!! It is currently processing. Hold tight. You will receive an email when we release it!
#blackandsexyawards #blexy2015 #healthyblackandsexy